Making GPS monitoring technology affordable

Discover how making GPS monitoring technology more affordable can enable a variety of cost-effective solutions.

Written By Jackson Oppy (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Making GPS monitoring technology affordable comes with a host of benefits that contribute to a more effective and inclusive criminal justice system. Here are some key advantages:

Enhancing Public Safety: By making GPS monitoring technology affordable, more individuals can be supervised effectively while awaiting trial or serving their sentences in the community. This increased supervision helps to enhance public safety by reducing the risk of individuals engaging in criminal activities or violating their bail conditions.

Reducing Incarceration Costs: Traditional incarceration is expensive for governments and taxpayers. By offering cost-effective GPS monitoring solutions, the criminal justice system can divert some non-violent program participants from overcrowded prisons to community-based monitoring programs. This not only reduces the financial burden on the criminal justice system but also frees up resources to focus on more serious crimes.

Promoting Rehabilitation: Affordable GPS monitoring opens doors to rehabilitation programs and support services for individuals on bail or parole. These programs can address underlying issues that may have contributed to their involvement in criminal activities, helping them work towards positive change and reducing the likelihood of reoffending.

Supporting Fairness and Equity: Making GPS monitoring technology affordable ensures that access to this resource is not restricted solely to those with financial means. It promotes fairness and equity in the criminal justice system, as all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic status, can benefit from these monitoring programs.

Encouraging Compliance: The affordability of GPS monitoring encourages individuals on bail or parole to comply with court-mandated conditions willingly. Knowing that there are viable alternatives to traditional incarceration, individuals may be more motivated to adhere to their obligations, thereby facilitating a smoother and more successful reintegration process.

Minimizing Social Stigmatization: GPS monitoring allows individuals to remain in the community while being supervised, reducing the stigma associated with traditional incarceration. By minimizing the negative societal perception, individuals on monitoring programs have a better chance of reintegrating into society without facing unnecessary prejudice or barriers.

Supporting Families: Affordable GPS monitoring can ease the financial strain on families whose loved ones are involved in the criminal justice system. Reduced costs associated with monitoring mean families can allocate resources to support the individual's rehabilitation and overall well-being.

Fostering Innovation and Research: Making GPS monitoring technology affordable creates a broader market for these solutions. This increased demand encourages innovation and competition among providers, leading to improvements in the technology's effectiveness and efficiency.

Improving Outcomes: Studies have shown that GPS monitoring can be an effective tool in reducing recidivism rates. By making this technology affordable and widely accessible, more individuals can benefit from its potential to promote successful reintegration and long-term positive outcomes.

Affordable GPS monitoring technology brings numerous benefits to the criminal justice system and society at large. From enhancing public safety and reducing incarceration costs to promoting rehabilitation, fairness, and equity, affordable GPS monitoring represents a step towards a more efficient and compassionate criminal justice system. By embracing this technology and making it accessible to all, we can work towards building a system that prioritizes rehabilitation, community safety, and the successful reintegration of individuals into society.