rehabilitation for substance use, addiction, mental health, and medical care.

Written By Jackson Oppy (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Bail Safe is an outpatient treatment and monitoring program for adults on bail or seeking bail who require support and rehabilitation for substance use, addiction, mental health, and medical care. 

The program aims to reduce the likelihood of people re-offending by providing patients access integrated care to address the physical and mental health illnesses that directly contribute to offending behavior.

Program Eligibility

Accessibility Requirements to access the program patients require:   

  • Stable home address • Medicare Eligibility
  • Working mobile phone and contact number.
  • Access to a digital device with working video camera 
  • Access to reliable broadband internet connections 
  • Ability to attend local pathology centre twice weekly
  • Capacity to fund out of pocket costs
  • Consent to share treatment compliance reports with the nominated police officer 
  • Consent to the weekly attendance requirements of treatment program

Clinically appropriate patients:

  • Present with psychological and social stressors and risk factors.
  • Meet the criteria for substance use disorder 


  • Meet the criteria for an active Mental Disorder 
  • Present with sufficient motivation to engage in treatment


Patients can refer themselves or be referred by: 

  • the police
  • their lawyer
  • a judicial officer
  • the Office of Public Prosecutions
  • a registrar
  • a support services agency
  • family or friend

This can be via our website or phone 03 9002 4670


Anyone who is seeking treatment and support while on bail can apply to be part of the BailSafe Treatment Program. Patients can also join BailSafe after being awarded bail. Same day bookings for Assessments are possible subject to the availability of a video link at the relevant custody or remand centre. Generally, appointments can be guaranteed for the next business day and the Assessment Outcome and Treatment Recommendation Report can be provided to legal counsel within 48 hours. 

The assessment is to determine a patient’s suitability for engagement in BailSafe Outpatient Program.  The assessment report is based on patient reported psycho-social history and validated psychometric screening.

Integrated Care

Patients are assigned a case manager who meets with them weekly to co-ordinate care, review their progress and provide updates to the courts. Patients are supported by a General Practitioner, Psychologist, Accredited Social Worker, and Case Manager, supervised urine drug screen, E-health and digital support applications.

Digital Care

All medical and counselling appointments are online using Telehealth, except for twice weekly supervised urine drug screens (UDS) which the patient is required to attend in person at a nominated pathology center.

Evidence-based care

Evidence-based care for managing co-occurring alcohol, other drug and mental health conditions: BailSafe provides direct therapeutic interventions as prescribed in the guidelines on the management of co-occurring alcohol and other drug and mental health conditions in alcohol and other drug treatment settings. The guidelines recommend an integrated holistic model of care that includes psychological approaches, pharmacological approaches, self-help groups, and e-health interventions.

Psychological approaches   

Motivational interviewing (MI) - Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) - Dialectical behavioral therapy - (DBT)

Relapse prevention Mindfulness - Contingency Management - Psychosocial group therapy.

Pharmacological approaches

The use of pharmacotherapies is a common practice in the treatment of both AOD use and mental health disorders. It is recommended, however, that when pharmacotherapy is used, this should be accompanied by supportive psychosocial interventions.

Holistic Health Care Framework

The multitude of risk factors for premature mortality and poor physical health among those with AOD and mental health conditions provides the impetus for interventions that focus on overall wellbeing. Diet - Physical activity – Sleep

Self-help Groups

Reviews in the research literature suggest that some clients of AOD services will benefit from joining a self-help group such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, SMART Recovery, or alternative self-help groups. ‘Dual diagnosis’ support groups are also an option, specifically for people with co-occurring mental health and AOD use disorders.

E-health interventions

E-health is the provision of health services and/ or information via the Internet or associated technologies. Since its relatively recent appearance, it has been referred to as one of the most important revolutionary additions to modern healthcare.  E-health interventions provide the opportunity to overcome traditional barriers to treatment that often prevent people seeking help, including social or cultural prejudices, stigma, difficulties accessing services, finding appropriate available services, as well as financial and geographical barriers.


Monitoring Support


Supervised Urine Drug Screen

Patients attend 2 Supervised Urine Drug Screens each week. These are faciliated at one of 2000 pathology centres.

Automated Positive Urine Drug Screen Notification BailSafe’s electronic pathology record system is an automated workflow to instantly notify the nominated informant whenever a positive urine drug screen is recorded.

VCheck24 Advanced Smart Phone Application


VCheck24 is a virtual supervision technology built specifically for the court involved patient.  It features VIDEO CHECK-INS, and continuous GPS tracking. The patient is prompted to state their name, location, and read off two random words delivered on screen. The GPS location is recorded simultaneously. 

All video check-ins are logged and saved. The Video Check-In function is utilized for curfew, police station and employment attendance verification. 

Tracing Application

The application provides continuous GPS Tracking and displays stop locations for viewing of GPS history and locations visited by patients.

Daily Patient Report

Automatic reports are sent daily detailing all patient location points, Video check-ins, and zone events is sent to the nominated police informant.

Video Check-ins 

Video check-in schedules and unique zone triggered check-in demands.  Each Video check-in Check records a 13 second video.

Two-Way In-App Messaging 

In app direct messaging to patients.

Continuous GPS Tracking 

Tracking history displays stop locations for viewing of GPS history and locations visited.

Presence Monitoring - Use ZONES 

Alerts if a patient remains at any nominated location for an extended period.

Automatic Instant Nominated Police Officer Alerts Alerts via e-mail and/or text. One or multiple police officers may be assigned to any alert.

No GPS Alert 

Alerts are provided if a patient deletes the app, deactivates location, turns off their phone.  Mapping Interface - Web monitoring interface provides real-time patient tracking and historical tracking data display.

Appointment Dashboard 


The dashboard is a tool that provides up to date compliance information and Urine Drug Screen analysis results. Dashboard view is provided to Patients, Legal Representative’s, and Police Informants. This is available 24/7 and includes;


Patient Schedule, Treatment Plan, Attendance Record and Urine Drug Screen Results  Police Informant can register for reporting and dashboard at: https://bailsafeaustralia. 

Wearable GPS Location Monitoring Device

When coupled with integrated healthcare and community engagement, GPS (Global Positioning System) tracking has 

been proven to be a valuable tool to assist patients on bail. The participant is equipped with a tamper proof GPS tracking device and the device captures latitude and longitude coordinates from a minimum of four satellites. Location data along with date and timestamp are recorded.

TR40 is a 4G GPS ankle worn device. The unit provides GPS, WIFI, and LBS accuracy alongside standard real time tracking and location history reports.  TR40 is a 4G wearable device with waterproof and tamper proof features. The industrial strength band is resistant to cutting, and when interfered with, will trigger an alarm to both the wearer and nominated parties.

TR40 has battery life with up to 14 days (about 2 weeks) standby. System operators can deliver voice commands directly to the device, while monitoring multiple geofence locations of both sphere and oblong dimensions.

  • Real-time Location Tracking 
  • Location History 
  • Polygon Geofence 
  • Waterproof IP67 - Tamper Proof 
  • Voice Calls - SOS Button 
  • Portable Charger comes standard.

BailSafe Reporting Guidelines

BailSafe Australia adopts the reporting guidelines outlined in ‘The COLLABORATIVE PRACTICE FRAMEWORK’ for Community Correctional Services, Alcohol and other Drugs Sector and the Community Offender Advice and Treatment Service”, issued by Department of Justice and Community Safety. These reporting requirements appear as quoted below.

‘COLLABORATIVE PRACTICE FRAMEWORK’ Community Correctional Services, Alcohol and other Drugs Sector and the Community Offender Advice and Treatment Service.


“Section 4.1 Immediate reporting Immediate reporting Information sharing between CCS and AOD providers is critical to treatment engagement and completion and order compliance. Immediate reporting of key events is outlined in this section. Immediate reporting relies on the professional judgement of CCS practitioners and AOD providers to determine the timing and method of reporting that is most appropriate to meet the requirements. Immediate reporting events between AOD providers and CCS have been clearly identified and should be reported by whoever identifies the event. This includes: 

  • further offending 
  • significant AOD use and/or type of drug which has a relationship to offending behaviour and/ or could potentially lead to de-stabilisation of an individual 
  • any AOD use for an individual with an active condition of abstinence 
  • new court orders issued to the offender 
  • contravention and/or incarceration of the offender 
  • any identified family violence concerns or events, including knowledge of any intervention order, or other family safety notices being issued and/or breached by the offender 
  • any instance of occupational violence or threat to the relevant treatment provider or CCS staff member by the offender 
  • death or hospitalisation of the offender 
  • attempted or confirmed overdose, whether prescribed or illicit substance by the offender”


“Section 4.1.1 Information sharing Understanding information sharing and effective communication between AOD providers and CCS is essential to collaborative practice. Timely sharing of information enables effective engagement with fellow service providers to support the offender’s participation and completion of treatment. In line with legislative requirements and best practice, authorisation to share information between CCS, COATS and AOD providers is obtained from an individual prior to commencing referral, assessment, and treatment. The client’s signed authority for inter-agency information exchange and sharing underpins the Framework. Shared information may include but is not limited to: 

  • information to inform AOD assessment needs and requirements 
  • treatment attendance, engagement, and participation 
  • potential risks for the offender, agency staff or the community 
  • identification of strategies that will support the successful completion of treatment.”
  • In addition to the reporting requirements outlined above BailSafe Australia practice the below reporting guidelines 

Immediate Reporting 

  • Significant AOD use and/or type of drug which has a relationship to offending behaviour and/ or could potentially lead to de-stabilization of an individual  Any AOD use for an individual with an active condition of abstinence 
  • New court orders issued   
  • Contravention and/or incarceration 
  • Any identified family violence concerns or events, including knowledge of any intervention order, or other family Safety notices being issued and/or breached 
  • Any instance of occupational violence or threat to the relevant treatment provider 
  • Death or hospitalization   
  • Attempted or confirmed overdose, whether prescribed or illicit substance by the offender” 

Daily Global Position 

Tracking Report (GPS)

BailSafe will provide the Informant a daily report via email a report detailing all patient location points and Video check-ins.

Weekly Report

BailSafe will provide the Informant with a weekly report via email of shared information. Shared information may include, but is not limited to: 

  • Treatment attendance, engagement, and participation information 
  • Results of urinalysis   
  • Early exit from the Treatment Program 
  • Discharge of the client from the Treatment Program 

Appointment Dashboard Access

The dashboard is a digital tool that provides up to date compliance information of urine drug screen results and appointment attendance. 

The dashboard includes:

  • Patient Schedule   
  • Treatment Plan 
  • Attendance Record 
  • Urine Drug Screen Results  Police Informant can register for reporting and dashboard at: https://bailsafeaustralia.