This article offers a comprehensive look at how to conduct a urine drug screen under supervision.

Written By Jackson Oppy (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024







The BailSafe Australia program requires participants to undergo supervised urine drug screens at Dorevitch pathology centers. These screens are ordered by a general practitioner (GP) and are not conducted by Corrections Victoria. Here is a summary of the important points from the provided information:


Participants need to attend two supervised urine drug screens per week with a minimum of three days between test


The specific days for attendance are listed in the participant's calendar


Before attending a supervised urine drug screen, participants should confirm the location's opening hours, inform them about the GP-ordered drug screen, and bring the pathology slips issued by Dr. Jonathan Wee, photo ID, and a copy of the Dorevitch letter.


  •  Participants must request a proof of attendance slip from the laboratory staff after thetest and upload it to their calendar.
  •  If unable to produce a urine sample, participants should drink 500-800ml of waterand return to the lab 1-2 hours later. Failure to return will be marked asnon-attendance.
  •  If a pathology lab refuses to perform the drug screen, participants should show them the Dorevitch letter and inform them that it is a GP-ordered supervised drug screen. If necessary, they can call (03) 9244 0301 for assistance from Dorevitch Commercial. 
  •  If participants are too unwell to attend, they should notify a BailSafe AustraliaRepresentative and may be required to see the program's GP to obtain a medical certificate.
  •  Changing the day of the supervised urine drug screen or opting for blood or hair sampletests is not allowed. Twice-weekly supervised urine drug screens are arequirement.
  •  Participants on medication or substitution therapy must provide evidence via a medicalletter or script. Some medications can give false positives, and participantscan contact their prescribing doctor for confirmation.
  • Urine drug screen results, including positive results, are uploaded onto theparticipant's calendar for viewing. Results are generally received from thelaboratory within 2-4 days of testing.
  • If a participant believes a positive result is due to medication, they need toprovide a relevant script and confirmation from their prescribing dotor to correctthe result.
  • The use of fake penises or paraphernalia during the drug screen is not allowed andwill be noted in the results.
  •  Diluting the urine sample or using detoxification drinks may result in low creatine levels, which will be noted in the pathology results.
  • ·Drug screen results are marked as POSTIVE, NEGATIVE and NON-ATTENDED. POSITIVE (SCRIPT PROVIDED)
  •  The informant is notified of positive drug screen results, non-attendance, and the use of fake penises or paraphernalia during the test.


Further Information

As part of the BailSafe therapeutic and monitoring program you are required to attend two bi-weekly supervised urine drug screens at a Dorevitch pathology centre. If you are not located in Victoria, you will be advised by your Case Manager where you need to attend.

A supervised urine drug screen means that while you are producing a sample a nurse will watch you.


Urine Drug Screen Procedure

Our supervised urine drug screens are GP ordered tests not Corrections Victoria Tests.


How often do I need to attend?

Twice a week, with a minimum of three days between tests.


Which days do I need to attend?

You need to attend on the days listed in your calendar.


What do I need to do before I attend a supervised urine drug screen?

Ensure you know which pathology lab you are going to attend.

Confirm their opening hours.

Advise them you will be attending to undertake a GP ordered Supervised Urine Drug Screen.


What do I need to take with me to the supervised urine drug screen?

The pathology slips issued by our doctor, Jonathan Wee.

Photo Id

A copy of the Dorevitch letter.


Do need to get proof of attendance?

Yes, following your test you must request a proof of attendance slip from the laboratory lab. This is a written slip filled out by a staff member at the desk at Dorevitch.

This slipneeds to be uploaded to your individual team up calendar as proof of yourattendance.




What if I can’t produce a urine sample?

If you can’t produce a sample, you will need to consume 500-800ml of water and return it 1-2 hours later. If you do not return to the lab, you will be marked asnon-attended or no-show.


The pathology lab is trying to turn me away saying they do not have the right staff, or they cannot perform the drug screen?


Show the pathology lab the Dorevitch letter that you have been provided.

Advise the staff member that you are there for a GP ordered supervised drug screen

You may then call the following number at Dorevitch Commerical who will assist you to resolve the issue.


 (03) 92440301

Do not leave the Pathology Centre.


Please note this number is not to be used for general enquiries regarding your urine drug screen. It can only be used if you are experiencing issues in having your supervised urine attended.


I am unwell, do I have to attend?

If you are too unwell to attend, you need to notify a BailSafe Australia Representative. You may then be asked to see our GP, who can assess you and provide a medical certificate if appropriate.


Can I change the day I undertake a supervised urine drug screen?

You cannot change the day on which you attend. If you have a urine drug screen scheduled on a public holiday or have a court appointment you may attend the pathology lab for testing on the following day.


What if I miss my urine drug screen because I am running late or when I get there it is closed.

If you miss your urine drug screen your appointment will be marked as Not Attended. It is the responsibility of the patient to ensure they plan ahead and attend for their urine drug screen during the laboratory opening hours.


Can I undertake a blood or hair sample test instead?

It is part of our eligibility criteria that you attend a twice weekly supervised urine drug screens ata designated pathology center and produce.

Alternative arrangements for blood tests or hair screens is not a service we provide.


What if I can’t leave work to attend a urine?


It is part of our eligibility criteria that you attend a twice weekly supervised urine drug screens at designated pathology centre and produce.


We cannot approve you not to attend a urine drug screen and cannot advise you of the potential legal consequences of you not attending.


I am on medication or a substitution therapy program, I am worried or think I maytest positive?


If you a recurrently on a methadone program, opioid substitution therapy (OST) or other prescribed medication you must provide evidence of this via a medical letter orscript.

A copy of this must be provided to us by email at the commencement of your Program.


Some medications may also give positive read for benzo diazepam. This includes someantidepressants. You will need to contact your prescribing doctor to requestconfirmation of this.


Viewing your Urine Drug Screen Results

Allsupervised urine drug screen results are uploaded onto your Calendar for you to view


Reporting of Urine Drug Screens to the Informant

The informant will receive a notification of the following:


·        Positive Urine Drug Screens

·        Non attended urine drug screens i.e. no show

·        Urine drug screens which note on the result use of fake penis or other paraphernalia