Learn how to operate the BAILSAFE CRO system, including setup and security protocols.

Written By Jackson Oppy (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


BailSafe Australia GPS Tracking System SOP for Control Room Operators

Objective: To provide clear guidelines for Control Room Operators (CRO) and monitoring personnel when utilizing the Bailed Safe GPS Tracking System and responding to alarms from personal devices worn by individuals.

Scope: This SOP applies to all Control Room Operators and monitoring personnel responsible for acknowledging and responding to alarms from the Bailed Safe GPS Tracking System and personal devices.

System Integration:


The BailSafe Australia web platform is designed to facilitate real-time monitoring and quick response to alarms, a dedicated screen setup is established within the control room. This setup includes a designated computer, either a desktop or a laptop, with live access to the BailSafe Australia web platform.

Key Points:

  • A dedicated screen remains live and operational to display real-time data from the GPS Tracking System.
  • The system is configured to alert Control Room Operators (CRO) through audible notifications via the system's speaker whenever an alarm is triggered.



Monjon Login and Device List:


The Monjon login procedure is the initial step for Control Room Operators to access the BailSafe Australia web platform and to view the list of devices being monitored. This section outlines the login procedure and explains the display and functionality of the device list.


Login Procedure:

  • Navigate to the Monjon login page via the designated URL.
  • Enter the assigned username and password in the respective fields.
  • Click on the "Login" button to access the BailSafe Australia web platform.




Device List: Once logged in, CROs will have access to the device list which is a comprehensive list displaying all the participants currently being monitored along with their respective GPS-enabled devices.

Key Features:

  • Search Functionality: The device list includes a search bar to quickly find specific participants or devices by name or identifier.
  • Real-Time Status: The list displays real-time status of each device including battery level, signal strength, and current geolocation.
  • Access to Participant Details: Clicking on a participant's name or identifier will open a detailed view providing essential information about the participant, including contact details and basic bail conditions.
  • Alarm Indicators: Any active alarms associated with a device are prominently displayed next to the respective participant's name or identifier, allowing for quick identification and response.



By understanding and familiarizing themselves with the Monjon login procedure and the device list functionality, CROs can effectively monitor and respond to alarms ensuring the safety and compliance of participants within the BailSafe Australia program.

Alarm Response & Accessing Participant Details

Alarm Interface:


The Alarm Interface on the BailSafe Australia web platform is designed to provide a real-time alert system that promptly notifies Control Room Operators (CROs) of any alarms triggered by the monitoring devices. The interface layout is intuitive, displaying crucial information required for quick response and management of alarm situations.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Alarm Notifications: The interface provides real-time notifications of any triggered alarms, ensuring immediate attention by CROs.


  • Detailed Alarm Information: Each alarm notification includes crucial details such as the type of alarm, participant identifier, time of alarm, and the geographical location of the alarmed device.


  • Alarm History: CROs can access a log of past alarms, facilitating a review of previous incidents and responses.



Step-by-Step Instructions:

Send on Demand VCheck





 Attention Redirection to the BailSafe Australia Web Platform:


  • When an alarm sounds, CROs should immediately turn their attention to the dedicated screen displaying the BailSafe Australia web platform.

System Redirection to the 'Alarm Report Page':


  • Post an alarm, the system automatically redirects to the 'Alarm Report Page', providing a snapshot of the alarm's nature and origin.
  • The 'Alarm Report Page' provides a list of recent alarms, with the most recent alarms listed at the top for easy identification.

Accessing the 'Overview' Section for Participant Details:


  • Click on the relevant participant's name or identifier within the 'Alarm Report Page' to access the 'Overview' section.



The 'Overview' section provides a more detailed view of the participant's profile and current alarm situation.



Review of Essential Participant Details Relevant to the Alarm Situation:


  • Within the 'Overview', review essential details about the participant. This includes direct contact details and basic bail conditions pertinent to the current alarm situation.
  • Any other relevant data such as previous alarm history, geofence boundaries, and assigned case manager details can also be reviewed here.
  • If necessary, utilize the contact information provided to reach out to the participant to ascertain the situation and provide instructions or support as needed.


These steps ensure a structured approach to responding to alarms, accessing participant details, and managing the situation promptly and effectively. Through a thorough understanding and adherence to these procedures, CROs can effectively manage alarm situations, ensuring the safety and compliance of participants within the BailSafe Australia program.

Escalation Policy


To ensure a structured and prompt response in situations where the participant is unreachable or in cases of severe alarm conditions, adhering to the escalation hierarchy to ensure the safety and compliance of participants.


Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Unreachable Participants:


  • If the participant cannot be reached after the first and second phone calls (made every five minutes), proceed with the third phone call at the 15-minute mark.


2. Primary Reasons for Escalation:


  • Inclusion in an Exclusion Zone: Immediate escalation is necessary if a participant inadvertently enters an exclusion zone and the GPS reader confirms their presence in this zone.


  • No GPS Signal Alert: It's treated as a matter of urgency if an alert indicates that the GPS unit is not tracking. If the participant remains uncontactable for a span of 15 minutes post the alert, mandatory escalation is initiated.




3. Escalation to Management and Beyond:


15-Minute Uncontactable Patient Protocol: If a patient cannot be contacted within 15 minutes of the scheduled check-in time, immediate action must be taken as outlined below.

Nominated Informant Contact: Consult the patient's file on the VCkeck24 system to identify the nominated informant. This individual should be contacted both by email and phone.

After-Hours Procedure (Outside 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday to Friday): The manager is required to inform the local police station.

Local 24-Hour Police Station Involvement: The relevant local 24-hour police station, as designated in the patient's Vcheck24 check file, must be notified in cases where the patient is uncontactable.

Documentation to Provide to Police: The patient's check file, which includes a copy of the conditions, must be forwarded to the officer at the local 24-hour police station. Ensure that all relevant details, including the patient’s history and the circumstances of the current situation, are included.

Email Communication: The email address for police communication is stored in the patient's file. Use this for all official correspondence related to the patient’s welfare check.

Important: This protocol is critical for ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our patients. Adherence to these steps is mandatory in all cases where a patient is uncontactable as per the outlined timelines.


Procedure for Specific Alarms


To provide a structured response protocol for different types of  the safety and compliance of participants.


1. No GPS Signal Alarm:


  • Script: "Hello, we've noticed that your GPS signal has been lost. Can you please check if the device is on and in an area with clear sky visibility?"


  • Note Example: "No GPS Signal Alarm at 4:20 PM. Called Jane Smith, who was in a basement. She moved to an open area, and the signal was restored."


2. Tamper Alarm:


  • Script: "Hello, our system indicates a tamper attempt on your device. Can you please check the strap and device for any issues?"


  • Note Example: "Tamper Alarm at 5:05 PM. Called John Doe, who accidentally pulled the strap while adjusting. No damage observed."


3. Geo-Location Alarm:


  • Script: "Hello, our system shows you're either in an exclusion zone or not in your designated inclusion zone. Can you please confirm your current location?"


  • Note Example: "Geo-Location Alarm at 6:30 PM. Called Jane Smith, who mistakenly entered an exclusion zone. She immediately left the area."


These outlined procedures for specific alarms, along with the previously detailed sections on alarm response, communication protocols, and escalation policy, form a comprehensive manual for CROs and monitoring personnel. This manual aims to standardize the response to various alarm scenarios, ensuring the safety and compliance of participants in the BailSafe Australia program.


BailSafe GPS Tracking SOP for Control Room Operator

Objective: Provide clear guidelines for Control Room Operators (CROs) and monitoring personnel for using the Bailed Safe GPS Tracking System and responding to alarms from personal devices.

Alarm Response & Accessing Participant Details:
When an alarm sounds, immediately focus on the dedicated screen.
The system will redirect to the 'Alarm Report Page' showing the alarm's nature and origin. Click on the participant's name to access their 'Overview' section, which includes contact details and bail conditions.
Communication Protocol:
Dial the number linked to the alarmed device.
Use a script like: "Hello, this is [Your Name] from BailSafe Australia. We received an alarm indicating [Details of Alarm]. Can you explain the situation?"
Document all details of the alarm event, including actions taken.
Primary Reasons for Escalation:
Inclusion in an Exclusion Zone
No GPS Signal Alert
Procedure for Specific Alarms:
No GPS Signal Alarm: Ask the participant to check if the device is on and in an area with clear sky visibility.
Tamper Alarm: Inquire about any issues with the strap or device.
Geo-Location Alarm: Confirm the participant's current location and whether they are in an exclusion or inclusion zone