Onboarding procedure Bailsafe Australia

Discover best practices for effectively onboarding new employees at Bailsafe Australia. Learn how to streamline the onboarding process and ensure a smooth transition for new team members.

Written By Jackson Oppy (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


The onboarding process for patients at Bail Safe Australia is divided into two distinct phases. The first phase is triggered upon notification that the patient has been granted bail. This initial phase focuses on internal administrative tasks within the organisation that set the groundwork for the patient's case management, including the preparation and distribution of their personalized calendar.

The second phase of the onboarding process occurs during the patient's first case management appointment with their designated Case Manager. This phase is dedicated to ensuring that the patient is well-informed and comfortable with all aspects of their case management, medical procedures, and support resources. Together, these two phases aim to provide a seamless and supportive transition for the patient, setting the stage for effective communication and successful case management.


Phase one: Checklist for Post-Bail Patient Onboarding Process
Responsible Party: 

Step 1: Update Bail Status in Smartsheet

Patient Receives bail

a)    Change status in the "Lawyer Referral" sheet to "Bail Granted”

 Step 2: Initial Communication

Patient Registration Form

a)    Send patient registration form to the family contact email.

b)    If the patient is also having a GPS fitted then you need to email the “Consent to GPS” form with the patient registration form.

Attach "Welcome to BailSafe Australia" letter the email

 Step 3: Data Entry

Await return of the Patient Registration Form

Once received enter create the patient profile in Splose.

Go to the Patients tab. Press add Patient.

Then create the patient profile – add the patient name, date of birth, email and new mobile phone number, Medicare numbered address.

 VIDEO TUTORIAL: Creating patient file in spolse.webm

 Step 4: GP Appointment

Schedule a GP appointment for the patient .Use the information that you have received on the patient registration form to book the patient a GP appointment.

Log into : https://bailsafestaffonly.wetelehealth.com.au

 Select the option "Booking for someone else”

Enter all the relevant information for the patient and select a time.

You will receive an email with the scheduled appointment with the patient and the GP.

The patient will also receive notification to their mobile phone confirming the time.

 At the initial Appointment the patient will receive the mental health care plan.

A copy of the MHCP will be emailed to BailSafe.

The GP will also prepare the urine drug screen slips and send them to BailSafe Australia.


VIDEO TUTORIAL Book the GP appointment.

 Step 5: Scheduling

Smartsheet Calendar

Use the information in the Patient Registration Form to update the Smartsheet Calendar.

Add the patient to a Group counselling session with Mark Podesta – either 5pm or 6pm on Tuesdays. Patients in a 12week program will attend 10 group sessions. Patients in a 24 week Program will have 20 group  therapy sessions.

 Confirm counselling and case management times and adjust if necessary.

Cross-reference with Splose and ensure the case management appointments and counselling appointments in Smartsheet match the appointment times in Spolse.

VIDEO TUTORIAL: Finalise calendar.webm

 Step 6: Additional Information/Summary Sheet


On Smart Sheet Calendar include the Summary sheet for the Patient is completed.

·        Enter the Informant name(the informants name will be detailed on the lawyer referral form for the patient)

·        Enter informant email (the informants name will be detailed on the lawyer referral form for the patient)

·        Enter patient email (from patient registration form)

·        Enter NA link in summary (select either the Friday night NA linkor Sunday NA link)

·        Enter PROM link in summary (this is an individual link Summary sheet and K10.webm

·        Enter group link in summary( select either the 5pm Tuesday Group Therapy or 6pm Group Therapy session).

VIDEO TUTORIAL Insert the group therapy zoom link.webm

 Step 7: Set up the Automations in Smartsheet


·        Weekly Informant Notice

·        Notice of Non Attendance

·        Positive Urine Procedure


Sharing Calendar

 Share Smartsheet Calendar with Case Manager - Ensure permission is set to "Admin”

 Share Smartsheet Calendar with Counsellor - Ensure permission is set to "Editor-Can Share”

Share Smartsheet Calendar with Patient - Ensure permission is set to "Commenter Only"

Share Smartsheet Calendar with Informant - Ensure permission is set to "Commenter Only"



 First Case Management Checklist

 Initial Setup

Ensure the patient has downloaded the Smartsheet app. There is a free version available.

Ensure the patient has received the Smartsheet calendar invite. This is sent to the patient via email.

If the patient has not received the calendar invite, go to Smartsheet and share the calendar with the patient. Ensure the permission for the patient is on Commenter only.

 Confirm that the patient has the calendar accessible on their phone.

If the patient does not have the Smartsheet app on their phone, guide the patient on downloading the free Smartsheet app from the App Store and opening the calendar link sent via email.


Understanding the Calendar and Status Changes

 Explain how the calendar works, including status changes like Complete" and "Not Attended.", “Positive” and “Negative”

 Clarify that these statuses form the basis of their completion and progress report.


Understanding the Appointments

Ensure the patient understands the different appointment categories, you can go through a sample week with the patient appointment by appointment if necessary.


Supervised Urine Procedure

 Ensure the patient understands the supervised urine procedure. Ensure the patient can access the supervised urine guide on their calendar.

Explain how to attend and what they need to bring, including photoID and the pathology request form.

Advise the patient to ring ahead to their local pathology centerto confirm when supervised urines are undertaken.

Clarify that the role of BailSafe Australia is the facilitation ofthese supervised urines and uploading of results, not interpretation of results.

 Inform that any inquiries regarding the results of supervised urines should be directed to management at info@bailsafeaustrralia.com.au

 Health Care Rights and Complaints Procedure

·        Ensure the patient has a copy of healthcare rights, accessible on their Smartsheet calendar.

·        Make sure the patient is aware of the complaints procedure,  on their Smartsheet calendar.

·        If the resources are not filed on the patients Smartsheet calendar please add them.

 Support & Resources

·        Ensure the patient has access to the model of care. Encourage thepatient to read the model of care

·        Ensure the patient knows where to access the education booklet,via their smartsheet calendar.

·        Resources are also available via the websitewww.bailsafeaustralia.com.au


Scheduling &Follow-up

·        Confirm the patient knows when their next appointment is.

·        Assess whether the patient is confident in reading and understanding the Smartsheet calendar.


Weekly Reporting to Informant

·        Explain the weekly reporting process that goes to the informant.

·        Ensure the patient understands the importance of this reporting and what information will be shared, including the results of all drug screens

 Getting in Touch with BailSafe

Remind patients that their case manager is their primary point of contact for any queries or concerns. Weekly meetings are scheduled to ensure that their your needs are addressed in a timely manner. If you there is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention, they may contact our office directly at (03) 9002 4670 or email us at info@bailsafeaustralia.com.au.  This ensures that all inquiries are correctly logged and documented for future reference.

Important Note: Advise patient to please refrain from texting or directly calling staff members on their mobile telephone lines, except in cases of extreme urgency.


 Phase One: Checklist for Post-Bail Patient Onboarding Process

Step 1: Update Bail Status

  • Change status in the "Lawyer Referral" sheet to "Bail Granted".

Step 2: Initial Communication

  • Send the patient registration form and, if applicable, the “Consent to GPS” form to the family contact email.
  • Include the "Welcome to BailSafe Australia" letter in the email.

Step 3: Data Entry

  • Await the return of the Patient Registration Form, then create the patient profile in Splose. Include details such as the patient's name, date of birth, email, mobile phone number, Medicare number, and address.

Step 4: GP Appointment

  • Schedule a GP appointment using the patient registration form details. Use the Telehealth platform provided and confirm the appointment via email to both BailSafe and the patient.

Step 5: Scheduling

  • Update the Smartsheet Calendar with the patient's information and schedule group counselling sessions and case management appointments. Ensure these appointments match those in Splose.

Step 6: Additional Information/Summary Sheet

  • Complete the Summary sheet on the Smartsheet Calendar with the informant's name, email, patient email, NA link, PROM link, and group link.

Step 7: Set up Automations in Smartsheet

  • Configure automations for Weekly Informant Notice, Notice of Non-Attendance, and Positive Urine Procedure.

Sharing Calendar

  • Share the Smartsheet Calendar with the Case Manager, Counsellor, Patient, and Informant with appropriate permissions.

First Case Management Appointment Checklist

Initial Setup

  • Ensure the patient has the Smartsheet app downloaded and can access the calendar. If necessary, guide them through the process.

Understanding the Calendar and Status Changes

  • Explain the calendar's functionality, including how to interpret status changes such as "Complete," "Not Attended," "Positive," and "Negative."

Understanding the Appointments

  • Walk through the different types of appointments, ensuring the patient understands each category and their schedule.

Supervised Urine Procedure

  • Clarify the supervised urine procedure, including what to bring and how to access the guide on their calendar.

Health Care Rights and Complaints Procedure

  • Ensure the patient is aware of their healthcare rights and the complaints procedure, both accessible on their Smartsheet calendar.

Support & Resources

  • Confirm the patient knows where to find the model of care, educational booklet, and other resources.

Scheduling & Follow-up

  • Reconfirm the patient's understanding of their appointment schedule and their confidence in using the Smartsheet calendar.

Weekly Reporting to Informant

  • Explain the weekly reporting process to the informant, emphasizing the importance and content of the reports.

Getting in Touch with BailSafe

  • Remind the patient about the primary communication channels with BailSafe and encourage adherence to the preferred methods of contact for any queries or concer