step by step

Written By Jackson Oppy (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 29th, 2024


How do I apply?

Anyone seeking bail or currently out on bail may apply to join the Treatment Program.

Prior to acceptance into the Treatment Program a patient must complete an Application Assessment to confirm suitability.

This is conducted via telephone or in urgent cases at custody facilities. Patients can register via or by contacting BailSafe directly on (03) 9002 4670.

What happens after the Assessment?

We will provide a detailed Assessment Report and tailored Treatment Plan for your legal counsel to present at your bail application. This will explain why you are suited to our Treatment Program and how you will benefit from program engagement.

How does BailSafe Improve my Bail Application?

When considering bail, the Courts will weigh underlying issues of substance use and mental health disorders that may present a risk to you or the wider community, if you are given bail.

We can help mitigate this potential risk by providing you with medical treatment and monitoring during your bail period. In this way the Court may consider bail more favourably as you are receiving treatment, support and monitoring from BailSafe Australia.

Note: BailSafe is not a legal service. You should always seek legal advice as to how our Treatment Program may benefit your bail application.

How does a  digital program work?

You will be matched with a GP, Psychologist/Counsellor/Alcohol and Drug Mental Health Worker and  Care Co-Ordinator. All your medical and counselling appointments are online using Telehealth. We also use patient web portals. These portals can use this portal to help keep you on track by viewing your schedule of appointments, message Care Team members, received reminders about upcoming appointments and access recovery material.

How long is the Treatment Program?

Our initial Treatment Program is for 12 weeks. You will have roughly 4-5 contact hours per week. If you are seeking further support after this you can join our Extended Treatment Program.

How is BailSafe different to other digital outpatient programs?

We can also support you through our e-monitoring program. This program includes

Urine drug screens twice a week. This will help you demonstrate you have not been taking illicit drugs during your bail period. 
Daily location check-in. This can be done on your mobile phone or Ipad or desktop using geo-facial recognition technology. This can demonstrate curfew compliance.

How much does it cost?

The cost of the Assessment is $495.00.
This cost of the Treatment Program is $3600.00 for 12 weeks.  

How do I apply?

You can register for an Assessment on our website, or you, your legal counsel or a member of your family can contact us.