Written By Jackson Oppy (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Patient wellbeing assessment and recovery plan – Adults

Notes: This form is designed for use with the following Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items. Users should be familiar with the most recent item definitions and requirements.

MBS item number:    2700     2701     2715     2717    

This document is not a referral letter. A referral letter must be sent to any additional providers involved in this Mental Health Treatment Plan.   

Major headings are bold; prompts to consider lower case. Response fields can be expanded as required. Underlined items of either type are mandatory for compliance with Medicare requirements.

Contact and demographic details

GP name




GP phone


GP practice name


GP fax


GP address


Provider number



This person has been my patient since



This person has been a patient at this practice since


Patient surname


Date of  birth (dd/mm/yy)



Patient first name/s


Preferred name



 Female     Male     Self-identified gender:

Patient address


Patient phone

Preferred number:



Can leave message?    Yes      No

Alternative number:



Can leave message?    Yes      No

Medicare No.


Healthcare Card/Pension No.


Highest level of education completed

 Primary school

 Secondary school


 Tertiary degree




Is this person a parent of a child aged <18 years?   Yes    No



Carer/support person contact details

Has patient consented for this healthcare team to contact carer/support persons?

First contact:


Phone number 1:


Phone number 2:





With the following restrictions:



Second contact:


Phone number 1:


Phone number 2:




With the following restrictions:



Emergency contact person details

Has patient consented for this healthcare team to contact emergency contacts?

First contact:


Phone number 1:


Phone number 2:




Second contact:


Phone number 1:


Phone number 2:




Salient communication and cultural factors

Language spoken at home



Interpreter required


 Yes, Comments:

Country of birth



Other communication factors


Other relevant cultural factors





Patient wellbeing and assessment

Reasons for presenting

Consider asking:

  • What are the patient’s current mental health issues?
  • What requests and hopes does the patient have?


History of current episode


  • Symptom onset, duration, intensity, time course



Patient history



  • Mental health history 


  • Salient social history


  • Salient medical/biological history 

Consider asking:

♀ – menarche, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause


  • Salient developmental issues


Family history of mental illness

Consider asking about:

  • Family history of suicidal behaviour
  • Genogram



Parent and children needs


  • Name and date of birth of any children aged ˂18 years. 
  • Impact of mental health difficulties on their parenting, the parent–child relationship and their children


Current domestic and social circumstances

Consider asking about:

  • Living arrangements
  • Social relationships
  • Occupation


Salient substance use issues

Consider asking about:

  • Nicotine use
  • Alcohol use
  • Illicit substances
  • Is patient willing to address the issues?


Current medications

Consider asking about:

  • Dosage, date of commencement, date of change in dosage
  • Reason for the prescription 
  • Are there other practitioners involved in the prescription of medication?
  • Are there issues with compliance or misuse


History of medication and other treatments for mental illness

Consider asking about:

  • Past referrals
  • Effectiveness of previous treatments
  • Side effects and complications associated with previous treatments
  • Patient’s preference for medications




Relevant physical examination and other investigations


Results of relevant previous psychological and developmental testing


Other care plan

e.g.  GP Management Plans and Team Care Arrangements; 

Wellness Recovery Action Plan; Family Care Plan

 Yes,  Specify:   



Comments on Strengths and Positive Dispositions

Consider asking about:

  • Abilities, talents and interests
  • Competencies and accomplishments
  • Previous self-help strategies used and those available in the family support network
  • Service system and the community at large



Comments on Current Mental State Examination

Consider asking about:

  • Appearance, cognition, thought process, thought content, attention, memory, insight, behaviour, speech, mood and affect, perception, judgement, orientation
  • Appropriateness of Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for patients aged ˃75 years or if otherwise indicated



Trauma Informed Care and Practice (TICP) assessment.

Consider possible influence of trauma

Trauma can be defined as:

  • Exposure to death
  • Threatened death
  • Actual serious injury 
  • Threatened serious injury
  • Actual sexual violence 
  • Threatened sexual violence


Consider possible indicators of gender-based violence-related trauma

Possible indicators may include:

  • Stress, anxiety, depression
  • Substance use disorders
  • Thoughts, plans or acts of self-harm/suicide
  • Injuries that are repeated and unexplained
  • Repeated sexually transmitted infections
  • Unwanted pregnancies
  • Unexplained chronic pain or conditions (pelvic pain, gastrointestinal problems, kidney or bladder infections) 
  • Other unexplained mental health complaints



Risk assessment 

If high level of risk indicated, document actions taken in the treatment plan below 

Consider asking:

  • Does the patient have a timeline for acting on a plan?
  • How bad is the pain/distress experienced?
  • Is it interminable, inescapable, intolerable


Ideation/ thoughts













Harm to others





Comments or details of any identified risks


Assessment/outcome tool used 

(except where clinically inappropriate)


Date of assessment





 Copy of completed tool provided to referred practitioner

Provisional diagnosis of mental health disorder

Consider conditions specified in the International classification of primary care, 2nd edition:

  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Other mood disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Panic disorder
  • Phobic disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Other psychotic disorders
  • Adjustment disorder
  • Dissociative disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Impulse-control disorders
  • Sexual disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Somatoform disorders
  • Substance-related disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Unknown


Case formulation

Consider asking about:

  • Predisposing factors
  • Precipitating factors
  • Perpetuating factors
  • Protective factors


Other relevant information from carer/informants

Consider asking about:

  • Specific concerns of carer/family
  • Impact on carer/family
  • Contextual information from members of patient’s community
  • Content from individuals other than the patient


Any other comments


Record of patient consent for personal recovery plan


I, ___________________________________________________ [name of patient], agree to complete the recovery plan.



Considering the recovery journey – Optional frameworks, stages and tasks to consider

Stage of personal recovery

1. Feeling overwhelmed 

2. Acknowledging change is needed

3. Actively struggling with mental health

4. Living with impact of illness or vulnerability 

5. Living beyond illness or vulnerability 

Notes informed by stages 1–5 above; consider small, comprehensible and achievable steps










Recovery task 1 – Understanding my mental health, and what it means for me

Has confusion about what happened and what it means

Is aware that something needs to be understood or sorted out 

Has a beginning explanatory model of causal attributions

Has come to terms with mental health and what it means to them

Is comfortable with own personal understanding of experiences

Notes informed by dimensions of task 1: consider small, comprehensible and achievable steps







Recovery task 2 – Taking charge of my mental health

Is not making a deliberate effort to cope

Realises the need to cope or change

Is sometimes trying ways to cope or change

Is generally confident in managing persisting illness or vulnerability

Mental health experiences interfere little with life

Notes informed by dimensions of task 2: consider small,  comprehensible and achievable steps




Recovery task 3 – Living a life that I value

Feels disconnected from people, social roles and personal growth

Would like to be more connected to people, social roles and personal growth


Is sometimes trying ways to connect and change

Has found a place in life but still limited by disabilities

Has a ‘contributing life’

Notes informed by dimensions of task 3: consider small, comprehensible and achievable steps


Setting personal recovery goals

Also consider:

  • The person themselves prioritising the goal/s to focus on 
  • The CHIME framework: connectedness, hope, identity, meaning and purpose, and empowerment
  • Which strengths are relevant and can be built on to pursue goal/s 
  • How the person’s values, treatment and support preferences will impact on the action plan 
  • Breaking goals down into smaller manageable steps and making plans for who will do what and when – informally or using the SMART (specific, meaningful, attainable, realistic, timetabled) approach
  • Supporting the person to undertake independent or joint actions rather than accepting passive actions



Personal recovery plan




Identified issues/problems


  • As presented by patient
  • Developed during consultation
  • Formulated by GP



  • Goals made in collaboration with patient
  • What does the patient want to see as an outcome from this plan?
  • Wellbeing, function, occupation, relationships
  • Any reference to special outcome measures
  • Time frame

Treatments & interventions


  • Suggested psychological interventions
  • Medications
  • Key actions to be taken by patient 
  • Support services to achieve patient goals
  • Role of GP
  • Psycho-education
  • Time frame
  • Internet-based options 



  • Practitioner, service or agency – referred to whom, and for what
  • Specific referral request
  • Opinion, planning, treatment
  • Case conferences
  • Time frame
  • Referral to internet mental health programs for education:

Any role of carer/support person/s

  • Identified role or task/s (eg monitoring, intervention, support)
  • Discussed, agreed, and negotiated with carer?
  • Any necessary supports for carer
  • Time frame

Issue 1:





Issue 2:





Issue 3:





Intervention/relapse prevention plan(if appropriate at this stage)

Consider asking about:

  • Warning signs from past experiences
  • Arrangements to intervene in case of relapse or crisis
  • Support services currently in place
  • Any past effective strategies






  Preparation of plan for delegation of patient’s responsibilities (e.g. care for dependants, pets)

Psycho-education provided if not already addressed in “treatments and interventions” above?

 Yes              No

Plan added to the patient’s records?

 Yes              No




Other healthcare providers and service providers involved in patient’s care (e.g. psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, occupational therapist, other GPs, other medical specialists, case worker, community mental health services)













Completing the plan

On completion of the plan, the GP may record (tick boxes below) that they have:


  Discussed the assessment with the patient

  Discussed all aspects of the plan and the agreed date for review

  Offered a copy of the plan to the patient and/or their carer (if agreed by patient)


 Date plan completed



Record of patient consent

I, ___________________________________________________ [name of patient], agree to information about my health being recorded in my medical file and being shared between the GP and other healthcare providers involved in my care, as nominated above, to assist in the management of my healthcare. I understand that I must inform my GP if I wish to change the nominated people involved in my care.

I understand that as part of my care under this Mental Health Treatment Plan, I should attend the general practice for a review appointment at least four weeks, but no later than six months, after the plan has been developed.

I consent to the release of the following information to the following carer/support and emergency contact persons.



Treatment Plan







 With the following limitations:



 With the following limitations:




 With the following limitations:



 With the following limitations:





Signature of patient





I, ________________________________________, have discussed the plan and referral/s with the patient.

Full name of GP

Mental Health Treatment Plan Included:                                                           




Signature of GP

      No           Yes (if yes, please select below)

                        MBS item number:   

                         2700     2701     2715   2717    







Request for services









[Post code]



Subject: Letter of request for services



Dear Dr


I am referring [patient’s name] for 


I am referring [patient’s name] [date of birth] for [number of sessions] sessions.


I have been [patient’s name]’s primary care physician for the past [number of years] years.


In summary, the following assessment and treatment planning has been undertaken: [  ]



Mental Health Treatment Plan attached:  Yes  No


Specific treatment requests: [  ]



If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. I will be available on phone [T+00000000] and email [] in case of any query.


Looking forward to your reply.


Yours sincerely,






[Physician’s name and title]





[Provider number]













MBS item number:    2712     2719

Planned date for review with GP

(Initial review four weeks to six months after completion of plan)


Actual date of review with GP


Assessment/outcome tool results on review

(except where clinically inappropriate)






  • Progress on goals and actions
  • Identified actions have been initiated and followed through (e.g. referrals, appointments, attendance)
  • Checking, reinforcing and expanding education
  • Communication between the GP and patient
  • Where appropriate, communication received from referred practitioners
  • Modification of treatment plan if required



Intervention/relapse prevention plan (if appropriate)


  • Warning signs from past experiences
  • Arrangements to intervene in case of relapse or crisis
  • Other support services currently in place
  • Any past effective strategies